"The story of Jesus reclaimed as an African fable: a simple concept becomes a remarkable cinematic experience in Son of Man. This is the second installment from the collaboration of director Mark Dornford-May and the South African theatre company, Dimpho Di Kopane. The moniker means... The story of Jesus reclaimed as an African fable: a simple concept becomes a remarkable cinematic experience in Son of Man. This is the second installment from the collaboration of director Mark Dornford-May and the South African theatre company, Dimpho Di Kopane. The moniker means "combined talents," and it aptly describes the incredible creative energy on both sides of the camera. Shot against the backdrop of a violence-riddled township and with text updated to modern time, Son of Man delivers one indelible impression after another. Mary conceives the Christ child during a militia attack on a grade school, Jesus asks for the surrender of handguns from his apostles, and the angel Gabriel is a precocious child marked with simple white feathers. Equally intriguing is the melding of the crucifixion and resurrection–alluding to the fact that in today's Africa, political dissidents, as Jesus was, are conveniently made to disappear. In song and originality, the spirit of Son of Man is contagious, a life-enriching elixir for Christians and non-Christians alike who feel mired in the unyielding bigotry of fundamentalism. By modernizing one of the world's most famous stories, Son of Man creates lasting resonance and imparts a significance that is truly glorious." -- © Sundance Film Festival
This is a review from a site called www.rottentomatoes.com, before I say anything about this movie I would like to make one thing clear... I am by no means offended by the fact the movie is African. I have a serious problem with the fact that the movie has portrayed Christ as a political deliverer! the fact that people are rating this movie as good is shocking, the fact is that Christ was the saviour of those who chose to follow him, and those that do will inevitable be persecuted for their Faith.
We had a discussion with our young people the other night regarding this movie to get their feeling... a few thoughts had been passed about the room. I stand firm on the following issue... I believe that Christians have lost the impact they caould have due to the fact that we are "slack" on issues like this one that faces us now. for example when a muslim who worships and prays to a small "g" god gets upset when his god is portrayed in the wrong light how much more should we be enraged when somebody portrays the LIVING & TRUE God of this world in a dishonoring way? hence the reason for the post! how saddened are you (as a Christian) that the Gospel message has been portrayed as "an African fable". what are we doing to take a stand on what we believe to be true???? we are so easily pushed over when we are called to do the "hard things", it is so easy to just let them slide and as one of our your people pointed out... "we need to choose our fights carefully", i couldn't agree more.... this is a issue that we need to take a stand on! the question is are you, again as a Bible believing Christian, going to do or say anything about it? there is only one way this message should be shown and that is the way it is in the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. there is only one Son of man, and he was also the son of GOD! I feel that this is an outright mockery of the Christian faith and Christian shouldnt accept this "lying down"?
one last comment from the official site: www.sonofmanmovie.com
"In the state of Judea in southern Africa, violence, poverty and sectarianism are endemic. The neighbouring Alliance has invaded to restore ‘peace’ at gunpoint. Bloody street battles accompany the neighbouring dictatorship’s incursion into its weaker satellite. Promises of a transition to open democratic rule accompany summary executions and brutal massacres. As the civil war reaches a new level, a divine child is born to a lowly couple. As he grows and witnesses the inhumanity of the world he lives in, his angelic guardians offer him an escape to the heavens. He refuses. This is his world and he must try to save it from the work of evil men and from the darkness working through them. As an adult, he travels to the capital, gathering followers from the armed factions of rebels that crisscross the land. He demands that his followers give up their guns and confront their corrupt rulers with a vision of non-violent protest and solidarity. Inevitably, he attracts the attention of the Judean tribal leaders who have struck a power-sharing deal with the aloof Governor Pilate. The Son of Man must be brought down and destroyed. It should be another simple ‘disappearance’ like any other…"
The question you really need to be asking is..." who is more important to YOU a nobody god, or the living & true God?"
All you need to do is read the write up of this movie and you will know that it is nothing but a mockery of our true Saviour Jesus Christ.
I stand by Gareths comment and pray as true believers we will stand up together for the truth, not judging but willing to open our mouths and speak His Word to those who are blind. Don't let movies like these discourage you, instead it is a great opportunity to start a conversation with an unbeliever sharing Gods Word with them. God is able to use things such as these movies to glorify Himself and i bet you that is exactly what He intends to do with this one.
So lets join together and glorify His name as we speak to those around us.
Wow, I've never even heard of this movie. It's awful- the way people insist on making a mockery of their loving Creator, and seek to adulterate the Message of Truth. One of the quotes you put on said the film "modernized one of the world's most famous stories." Unbelievable- Jesus Christ is not one of the world's stories- on the contrary- we are the ones who are the small part of His Wonderful Story. I hope that, as Christians, we will use this movie for the very opposite purpose it was written for- As Sharon said, use it to make Christ's name famous on the earth.
I like your blog, Gareth- post often...unlike those pathetic 5-pea cousins of mine.. :) :)
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