Monday, August 24, 2009

Don`t kill my steak!!!

Well this is something I thought about while having a debate with Caitlin, we where sitting at lunch on Sunday afternoon during our Hillcrest trip and she made the most ridicules statement ... " I am considering becoming a vegetarian", now before I go any further I need to explain that I dont have a problem with people that only eat veggies... I just dont understand it! Anyway, I got on my crazy thought pattern and decided to pipe up that if she became a vegetarian what would my cows eat? yes yes I know that cows eat grass and not veggies ; ) but with that being said I have been really thinking about those who dont eat meat because they think its cruel...
A couple of days ago we ad an ethics course at the office and it was so interesting to see how people view ethics. there was one lady that was so adamant that it was wrong to kill other animals, and others thought it was right... so is it wrong or right? well I dont think its a case of right or wrong but rather personal preference. some people like to get stuck into a huge bowl of salad and others, like me, enjoy a really good steak!! all I am asking is that you dont take my steak away... I like it to much, so Cait if you read this please dont become a veggie and take all my cows food away...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time to start talking...

Well let me tell you, to write this has been rather convicting... We are currently doing a study through Exodus, we have got to chapter 18 and this last week Sunday Doug raised the issue of being an effective witness. in short we looked at how Moses just spoke the truth to Jethro about the amazing journey they had just been on. from seeing the wonders of the plagues, the Passover, the crossing of the sea, the daily provision of food and water... after all Moses had told him Jethro gets converted and praises Yahweh, Doug made this absolutely amazing statement that I had never heard ....

"People want answer and all the Christians are standing around stuttering!"

How profound is that?! and this got me thinking, how many people do we cross paths with everyday that want answers and all we do is talk about the weather? I must say, I am pretty comfortable talking to people but when it comes to "God things" aka the Gospel I stall! Doug also made the point that sometimes the best effective witness is the one that you have some sort of a relationship with, now that doesn't mean that we must never have answers or ignore those that ask that we do not know, but those that are around us the most... School, Work, Sports whatever lets be prepared not to stand around and talk about the weather, Stuttering, but tell them about the amazing truths and things that we have experienced, because lets be honest we have experienced great things and we continue to experience them daily. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

have you ever looked out and said WOW?!

I had the chance this weekend to go and spend time with friends and have a really great weekend, in the words of my wife... "the best weekend she has ever had". we had the chance to get up at the crack of dawn and go watch the sun rise from the beach (great idea by the way Katy). as I stood and watched the sun rise waiting for the perfect pic, which I think I got and will share later, watching a bunch of punks enjoy the moment in the sea... I had a thought, one of those like "how could that be" moment. we enjoy all the benefits of common grace everyday and never take the time to say thanks... everyday we see the sun rise, some people I know are working on the 2010 stadium right on the beach and have a view like no other practically everyday and probably let this thought pass them by! I heard something once that went kinda like this... "And God said let there be light: and there was light... and this was the first day". all He did was speak and there was light, lets never forget the Awesome power of God, and lets stop sometimes and say... WOW!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What are you going to do today?

This week I went on a work conference, how boring you may say? the first couple of hours where great and then the after lunch "the feeling" set in and didn't feel like thinking too much... There was like zero signal in this place so i decided to go to the reception and ask if by any slim chance they had a free wifi zone I could use. When I walked in I saw this guy in a wheel chair... I really thought that he was part of the staff until he came into the room we where having our thing and started speaking about his life story, he was our motivational speaker ... Cy Edmandson. 

In 1990, during a school leadership course, Cy fell ill with an unknown virus which attacked his spinal cord. After 3 months in a coma, Cy regained consciousness but had to learn to deal with the heavy burden of being disabled for the rest of his life. He had to re-learn to speak and had to come to terms that he will never walk again. During his stay in hospital, Cy developed a close relationship with his nurse, Wendy Lurie, and married her in 1994. They were informed that producing children would be a near miracle and probably not possible. Cy and Wendy’s son Joshua was born in April 1995. 

Why was this so important to me that I felt I needed to share it? i have heard many speakers and this guy had something really profound... of all the guys i have heard, this one couldn't walk! even in his wheel chair bound state he climbed 
sentinel peak. this was truly a serious achievement for a man that cant use his legs!  This guy really made a profound point that you can really do what ever you want to do once you have committed to the task. now that sounds really like if you   "believe you want to you can achieve it by thinking it". but i think the point was that there are people all over this world that are doing amazing things without the use of their limbs, and all we do all day is sit around and complain. so the question should really be... what are you going to do today? complain about your circumstances or do something about the situation you are in. lets try and be more aware of those around us doing extraordinary things around us and lets make the most of every day, without complaining... and remember that you can use part of your body that some people cant... so stop complaining and be thankful.

Friday, August 7, 2009

its been a while...

well i am about to go on holiday and take the time to try catch up on the blogs... feeling really "back logged" but i really got inspired to start writing again

ciao for now...