Well let me tell you, to write this has been rather convicting... We are currently doing a study through Exodus, we have got to chapter 18 and this last week Sunday Doug raised the issue of being an effective witness. in short we looked at how Moses just spoke the truth to Jethro about the amazing journey they had just been on. from seeing the wonders of the plagues, the Passover, the crossing of the sea, the daily provision of food and water... after all Moses had told him Jethro gets converted and praises Yahweh, Doug made this absolutely amazing statement that I had never heard ....
"People want answer and all the Christians are standing around stuttering!"
How profound is that?! and this got me thinking, how many people do we cross paths with everyday that want answers and all we do is talk about the weather? I must say, I am pretty comfortable talking to people but when it comes to "God things" aka the Gospel I stall! Doug also made the point that sometimes the best effective witness is the one that you have some sort of a relationship with, now that doesn't mean that we must never have answers or ignore those that ask that we do not know, but those that are around us the most... School, Work, Sports whatever lets be prepared not to stand around and talk about the weather, Stuttering, but tell them about the amazing truths and things that we have experienced, because lets be honest we have experienced great things and we continue to experience them daily.
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