Sunday, May 30, 2010

What is Faith?

The reason I ask this is to actually find out in my own mind how we define this question.

One of the best definitions you could find on this is found in the most obvious place... The Bible!

In Hebrews 11 you find a whole chapter dedicated to the people that have displayed amazing acts of faith that are worthy of being recorded in history FOREVER!! in the opening verse you find the Biblical definition we are looking for...

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the essence of things being hoped, the evidence of things not having been seen." - litv

How does this relate to you and I?

People who have decided to walk the Christian road have exercised faith, the challenge that I have been confronted with of late is that Christians who live a comfortable life very often don't live most of the time by faith. Please understand that I am not saying that ALL Christians fall into this camp, but I do think that many are... I am one of them!

Until recently I realised this and thanks to my wonderful wife and her loving challenge on this fact I had to come face to face with the fact that I was not living by faith! Debs and I decided to "dare our souls to do what our eyes could not see". About 10 weeks ago we decide to let go and let God take control of our lives and we have seen him work in an amazing way.

I can't share all the details here on an open forum, But take it from someone who "saw the light"... Don't put God in a box, he can and will do great things if you just allow him to do so!

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