Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our promise to you... precious Gabriella

We thank God for the Grace that he has given us and through faith the road that he has led us down to get to this point, that we can reflect our adoption in Christ through the life of Gabriella. We therefore acknowledge our responsibility to be intentional in our parenting and endevour through everyday talk to show Gabriella Christ who is the Lord and Saviour of our lives and make the best of every oppurtunity that presents itself to show our Saviour Jesus Christ to Gabriella.

We Commit ourselves to use the means of Grace that are given to us through the local Church and use every oppurtunity to expose Gabriella to the various ministries & teaching of the Church that are available to assist us in adorning the gospel to Her.

We understand and ackowledge that this is a mammoth task, and request that this our Family and our church to assist in this endevour. We call on you as family to be our eyes and ears when we cannot, and help us to raise this precious gift Gabriella in the nurture and admonition of the Lord for his honour and glory.

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