Wednesday, August 12, 2009

have you ever looked out and said WOW?!

I had the chance this weekend to go and spend time with friends and have a really great weekend, in the words of my wife... "the best weekend she has ever had". we had the chance to get up at the crack of dawn and go watch the sun rise from the beach (great idea by the way Katy). as I stood and watched the sun rise waiting for the perfect pic, which I think I got and will share later, watching a bunch of punks enjoy the moment in the sea... I had a thought, one of those like "how could that be" moment. we enjoy all the benefits of common grace everyday and never take the time to say thanks... everyday we see the sun rise, some people I know are working on the 2010 stadium right on the beach and have a view like no other practically everyday and probably let this thought pass them by! I heard something once that went kinda like this... "And God said let there be light: and there was light... and this was the first day". all He did was speak and there was light, lets never forget the Awesome power of God, and lets stop sometimes and say... WOW!!!

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